Three ways to recommit to your health

Three ways to recommit to your health

Let's be honest. 2020 has definitely NOT been the best year in terms of things we can't control. I personally started the year with some pretty lofty health and fitness goals that went south pretty quickly when I couldn't find staple foods at the grocery store, my half-marathon got postponed, and all the local gyms [...]

Whole30 Week 3 Recap: How to navigate Whole30 at Restaurants

Whole30 Week 3 Recap: How to navigate Whole30 at Restaurants

Welcome back to another week of Whole30 in review! This week, I'm going to address a hot-button topic- How to order Whole30 compliant meals when you are out. As much as you may meal prep and plan, sometimes things just happen. Sometimes you have an unexpected party to attend, birthday dinner with a friend or [...]

Whole30 Week 2 Recap: Tips for meal planning and prepping

Whole30 Week 2 Recap: Tips for meal planning and prepping

Whether or not you've ever attempted a Whole30, you may have come to the realization that meal planning and prepping go hand in hand. Going to the grocery store with no idea what you plan on cooking/eating and purchasing what looks like a weeks worth of groceries can easily end in disasters like missing critical [...]